Mr. Piechowski is an environmental scientist working to support clients in the energy sector, land development and remediation, and water resources. Mr. Piechowski is an interdisciplinary scientist with strong technical skills and project management discipline. He has worked on a variety of projects involving multiple stakeholder types including federal, state, local, tribal governments, private industry, legal professionals and the public.
Mr. Piechowski specializes in ArcGIS analysis and spatial data management with the goal of facilitating informed decision making for his clients. He continues to work with California energy trade groups analyzing production and well status changes regarding a continuously changing legislative landscape.
Additionally, Mr. Piechowski has developed analyses for a wide range of NEPA/CEQA projects, as well as assisted in coordinating public engagement and comment management efforts. He specializes in authoring social science chapters for Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Statements, and other technical report documents. Mr. Piechowski regularly evaluates projects for their impact on Land Use, Public Recreation, and Visual Impacts.
Mr. Piechowski’s experience portfolio also includes all phases of Environmental Site Assessments, working with contractors to protect biological resources by ensuring permit and mitigation measure compliance for construction projects, geomorphic surveying, and surface water quality monitoring.