Catalyst’s geologists and engineers conduct geomorphological and fluvial analyses including annual monitoring to evaluate potential changes in the river systems related to land use. This work has included hydroelectric and other dams across the mountains of California in the jurisdiction of the USFS, NPS, and BLM as well as local agencies. We have analyzed environmental effects of dam safety retrofits, development and implementation of sediment management plans, and long term monitoring and restoration of aquatic habitat affected by natural (fire, landslide) and human-induced causes.
We prepare stormwater sampling programs in compliance with complex Industrial NPDES permits and conduct stormwater sampling, analysis and reporting. We work with our clients to identify solutions to discharge of known contaminants through best Management Practices. Our team also develops and implements large scale groundwater monitoring programs. We provide permitting and compliance solutions to our clients with regard to water resources including development of permit packages for 404 permits, 401 Water Quality certifications, Waste Discharge Reports and Streambed Alteration Agreements, coordination with federal, state, and local regulatory agencies, assistance with project design to minimize impacts, and potential design mitigation projects, as needed.