AB525 Strategic Plan for California’s Offshore Wind Industry

a diagram of supply chain, construction, and operations and maintenancea diagram of supply chain, construction, and operations and maintenance
Client: California Energy Commission
Time Period: 2022-2024
Staff: Ben Pogue, Dan Tormey, Adrian Gonzalez, Tim Lee
Service lines: Energy, Water
Catalyst assisted California Energy Commission in the recently published final draft of the AB 525 Strategic Plan, which will establish the vision and path forward for developing California’s offshore wind resources.
Catalyst performed analysis on the potential economic benefits of seaport development and workforce development. Our work entails the research and analysis of case studies from the U.S. East Coast and abroad to develop findings and recommendations for workforce development and standards. Further, Catalyst engaged industry and training experts to incorporate their suggestions into the larger workforce development strategy, with a focus on supply chain development. Our work on the Strategic Plan will directly impact California’s floating offshore wind energy future and our findings will be used to help establish the common vision for industry, government, and stakeholders.
The Final Draft AB 525 Strategic Plan (Volumes I - III) can be found here:

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