Catalyst staff led this NEPA review, evaluating the potential effects of approving coal mining at the San Juan Mine for an additional 10-15 years, following a judicial remand of a 2008 Environmental Assessment. Although there was no decision or action at the adjacent generating station, the Indirect effects of coal combustion at the San Juan Generating Station were fully analyzed In the EIS (including the effects of emissions on air quality and climate change and potential effects from deposition of emissions on water quality and sensitive species). Although both the San Juan Mine and San Juan Generating Station are located on private and federal lands, because the lands are adjacent to tribal trust lands of the Navajo Nation, environmental justice was a primary Issue of concern.
The project was led by the Office of Surface Mining, Enforcement and Reclamation and Involved 6 cooperating agencies also participating in the NEPA process (BLM Farmington Field Office, New Mexico MMD, USEPA), and USFWS).