Catalyst prepared a Programmatic EIR to support the City decision-making process with respect to submitting the EWMPs prepared for these five watersheds.
The first project which tiered from the Programmatic EIR was a water quality improvement project in Ballona Creek which included pumping water from the creek, treating it, and either releasing it back to the channel or making it available for beneficial reuse. Catalyst first prepared an Initial Study analyzing the environmental effects of implementing the project and to support the City’s decision-making regarding appropriate level of environmental review under CEQA for implementing the Project at this facility. The Initial Study identified a design issue that needed to be modified and determined the need to prepare an EIR owing to public controversy (the project would divert the dry-season flow of Ballona Creek). Catalyst subsequently prepared the Notice of Preparation, conducted public scoping, and prepared the Draft EIR. Following publication of the Draft EIR, Catalyst led a public meeting and reviewed all public comments received on the document to prepare the Final EIR and response to comments. The final document was certified in summer 2018 on schedule and budget.