Catalyst is leading the CEQA review and environmental permitting for this key project evaluating the potential effects of diverting wastewater discharges from the D.C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant in the Sepulveda Basin from the Los Angeles River to the San Fernando Groundwater Basin. The project is central to meeting the City of Los Angeles goal to recycle 100 percent of its wastewater by 2035. Catalyst is leading the development of a CEQA review that analyzes the impacts of altered flows in the Los Angeles River to biological resources, recreation, and water quality among all the CEQA categories. The work included participating in the development of the SCCWRP Los Angeles River Environmental Flows Study, meant to guide decision making between reuse of treated wastewater and discharge of treated wastewater to area streams. The City has goals for both increased reuse of treated water, and increased aquatic habitat and recreation in the Los Angeles River, but a balance is needed to achieve these seemingly antithetical goals.